Monday, August 21, 2006

multiplying like rabbits

it seems that while i was abroad the street-style website population exploded. i won't list them all here because facehunter already has an excellent round-up. visit the site and check out the links in his sidebar.

one fantastic new page i want to highlight is stockholm streetstyle. it appears that it began in july (i say appears because i can't read the swedish faq). i've decided, based on this and hel looks, another of my favorite street style sites, that nordic people are just too cool. this new stockholm site is also ridiculously high-volume--often several posts per day.

here are some of my favorite outfits from the site's two-month history:

1 comment:

Amoena said...

I'm quite surprised that someone in America knows Hel-looks - and likes it.

But I have to spoil. Only a very few dresses as seen on Hel-looks.

Everytime I go to Helsinki, I only see people with Vans Slip-On's, skinny jeans and some fugly shirt from H&M.
